An open & free internet, supported by effective advertising that respects people’s fundamental right to privacy

What we stand for

At Anonym, we believe all users have a fundamental right to privacy when they interact with online services, a right that respects, but isn’t dependent on endless consent pop-ups. We also believe that digital advertising is important—to publishers of free content, to developers of ad-supported services, to brands seeking customers, and to consumers who spend more than a quarter of every day online.

For ads to support a free and open internet, they must be relevant and measurable.

Our company is built on the assumption that these two beliefs can be compatible through the use of privacy-enhancing technologies.

Our Principles

We don’t rely on promises. We’ve built a system that relies on confidential computing, encryption and anonymization that ensures personal data can’t be shared between our customers.

We build for the future. We want to create the infrastructure that will support the future of digital advertising - one that can exist in a world that cares about people and their privacy.

We don’t create user profiles. We use the data shared with us to help our customers understand how their ads performed and build relevant, high performing audiences. We don’t track users across sites or maintain profiles of user behavior.

We actively seek feedback from outside experts. Including consumer advocates, privacy and cybersecurity experts, and lawmakers, to ensure we’re building solutions that support a sustainable and private approach to digital advertising.

We don’t create workarounds. We built our products to help companies comply with existing laws and platform rules - not sidestep them.

We provide full transparency and control. Our Transparency Portal lets our customers view and approve the exact code that will be used to measure and optimize their advertising campaigns. Customers can pause or stop that code from running at any time.

We respect consumer consent. While our services are not consumer-facing, we work with our customers to ensure that our processing activities are aligned with what users have consented to and asked for.

Policy engagement

Anonym engages deeply with policy and industry organizations. We seek to stay on the cutting edge of the regulatory and policy landscape to ensure our solutions meet and typically exceed, requirements. Put simply, we worry about privacy regulations so our customers don’t have to.

Anonym was asked to testify to the House Subcommittee on Energy & Commerce regarding the importance of privacy enhancing technologies in supporting effective and privacy-safe advertising.

Congressional testimony

Our written testimony.

Learn more about our policy & industry engagement